
Dear colleagues and partners,

We are pleased to invite you to SECF Sustainable Nancy 2025, a two-day event taking place on July 1-2, 2025, at the ENSIC campus of Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France.

The event will feature two thematic days:
#1 Eco-Chemistry for Sustainable Products®Join the Future of Chemistry: Sustainability in Action to Create Environmental Value
#2 Sustainable Pharmaceutical IndustryShaping a Sustainable Future for Pharmaceutical


Submission instructions:

Your file must comply with the following instructions:

• Your document must be in a A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm) and in a PDF format
• It must be a single page maximum
• It must be in English
• It must respect the SECF conference template
• Only one figure is accepted


Submission process

You only need 5 minutes to submit your abstract:
1. Create your account (only 5 fields to fill in)
If you already have a SciencesConf. account, please log in directly.
2. Then upload your abstract on the platform

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#1 Eco-Chemistry for sustainable products®

July 1 | ENSIC, University of Lorraine at Nancy, (France)

Call for paper 

We invite submissions on the following themes:

✔️ Managing Risks: Strategies for navigating regulatory changes and defining sustainability policies.
✔️ Reducing Impacts: Methodologies and tools for effective sustainability monitoring.
✔️ Creating Opportunities: The role of AI, bio-inspiration, and catalysis in sustainable innovation.
✔️ Success Stories: Case studies of profitable, sustainable innovations.
✔️ Sustainability Culture: Strategies for embedding eco-innovation across organizations.

Proposals covering one or several topics will be considered and assigned to the most relevant session.

Contributes that do not fit into these areas will also be considered since they might be of benefit to conference attendees.

📌 Presentation Format:  Oral presentation or poster presentation
📄 Submission Requirement: A one-page abstract



#2 Sustainable pharmaceutical Industry

July 2 | ENSIC, University of Lorraine at Nancy, (France)

Call for paper

We invite submissions on the following themes:

✔️ New Trends in Pharmacy in an Uncertain World
✔️ Sustainability in Industrial Pharmacy
✔️ Process Improvement & Intensification
✔️ Engineering Innovations & the Future of Manufacturing
✔️ Operations & Workplace Safety
✔️ Sustainable Packaging Solutions—Supply chain challenges 
✔️ Technology Management & Digitalization
✔️ Artificial Intelligence in Pharma
✔️ Case Studies & Best Practices
✔️ Education & Continuous Learning

Proposals covering one or several topics will be considered and assigned to the most relevant session.

Contributes that do not fit into these areas will also be considered since they might be of benefit to conference attendees.

📌 Presentation Format:  Oral presentation or poster presentation
📄 Submission Requirement: A one-page abstract



Dates & Deadlines

  • Abstracts submission opened: February 11
  • On-line registration opened: March 10
  • Closing of submissions: March 28
  • Submission review period: March 31- April 18
  • Finalization of the scientific program: May 5
  • End of earlybird fees: May 20
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